Is it possible that instead of having a number of triangles per side of model, to make it per area?

As the title says, I want to know is it possible that instead of having a number of triangles per side of model, to make it per area? Instead of having 2 triangles on a side, I want to have 2 triangles per each 1, by 1 square. The reason I want this, is because I am working on a voxel game, and I need for each voxel to be a part of the mesh. Unless this is default in some other file type other than obj? Thanks!

I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about. What do you mean by “number of triangles by side of model”? What’s the “side” of a model? What do voxels have to do with this?

Triangles in a mesh can be placed anywhere you like. A mesh is just a collection of points joined by triangles, this is kind of an universal truth that doesn’t depend on the file format you use to store the mesh (obj, fbx, blend, whatever).

Moreover, if you’re making a typical voxel-based game (kinda like minecraft) you don’t want to import meshes, you want to import voxel data - that is, voxel distribution in your scene as well as any per-voxel attributes like material, type, etc- and then create a mesh out of this data entirely at runtime.

I am trying to make a game with voxel destruction, think teardown. When I make the models, and I import them into unity, I want the models to be turned to voxels around the area I hit them. Once I have made the voxels though, I need to make a hole in the mesh, where the voxels are, so that there is actual destruction. The way I am doing this, is by moving the vertices. But there are only 4 vertices per side, and I need it to deform an area smaller than an entire side. Is there any way to do this?

Here is a good primer on procedural mesh generation in Unity. That will start you off.