Is it possible to add an Input Counter during Splash Screens?

Hi there,

I have a question for an idea I want to put into my game.

You see I want to add a simple input counter that will register and send the player towards a different Title Screen when a certain amount of taps on the “Spacebar” or “Enter-Key” are met.

My project, which for now is called Deltaheart, is a 2D, Shoot em Up and Platformer made on a Windows PC using the C# as coding language.

Quick story on what that game will be about:

In the game you’ll encounter an evil queen called Serror Gitchès (wordplay on Errors and Glitches) who is trying to steal the Deltaheart. The Deltaheart gives the world its power in details and colors. But when it is broken it will lose that power, the world will be brought back into the past and it will look like an 70s styled game from arcades and homeconsoles.
It is up to you the player to fix the Deltaheart (thereby going through time because more power is being given back into the world) and defeat the evil queen Serror Gítches.

Like I said in my description, the player will go through the different era’s of 2D platforming so from the 70s all the way till now (70s → 80s → 90s → 00s → Future(now) ).
Although this idea isnt new, I find it better for me as it will follow my learning curve better in programming and also in composing songs as they’ll both will become more complicated.

After all that info =)
I want to have the time travel idea (kind of an easter egg) inside of my game as well. You might know that, as a player (or non-player you might have seen it once or twice), you always try to skip the splash screens and want to play immediately, thereby tapping alot on the A, X, START or SPACEBAR.
I want to turn this into a counter that will detect how many times a SPACEBAR or ENTER-KEY has been pressed and from there show the player a different Title Screen.

For instance:
The player presses the SPACEBAR “0” times, this will send the player to the default Title Screen
The player presses the SPACEBAR “7” times, this will send the player to the 70s Title Screen
The player presses the SPACEBAR “8” times, this will send the player to the 80s Title Screen
The player … etc.

thanks for the help, sending this to someone else or even (a) link(s) with the same question.

Kind Regards,

KindoSaur Productions (Kellin)

The unity splash screen I don’t believe you can. However, you can create a new scene to serve as your splash screen and have all sorts of things happen during that time if you want.

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That might work, thanks for the tip =)
I’ll let you know if it went alright

Thanks for the link =)