Is it possible to animate a tile?

I enjoy making the tile based games in Unity but haven’t tried this yet. Is it possible to animate a tile and use the tile rules on that animated tile?

I don’t know what a tile is but you can use a shader with a spriterenderer and animate it anyway you want either with the shader or with Sprites[ ] in C#.

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Haven’t used Rule Tiles animation features, but it has support for animation, see this page :slight_smile:

And it is also possible to create animations with non-Rule Tile tiles.

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Thanks. I appreciate the link. This opens all kinds of possibilities. At least what I have conjured up in my brain it does.

I haven’t worked much with shaders so I’ll have to check that out as well. Thank you.

Short and sweet tutorial: Unity Tutorial: Animated Tiles – Shadow Peak Studios

Thanks for the link. There’s only 1 issue. I can’t get passed step 3. I have no menu option for “Create > Tiles > Animated Tile”

you need to download the 2d extras pack by unity

thanks … yeah I missed that originally. I’m new to this so what do I do with those downloads. Drag them into my project?

yep, you can even just drag the animated tile script if thats all you want