Is it possible to change blend mode in shader at runtime?

I want to change blend mode in shader at runtime,
because I don’t want to write many same shaders without blend mode.

I hope that I could change mode passed from material property like this:

Properties {
	_BlendMode ("BlendMode", Blend) = (SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha)

Pass {
	Blend [_BlendMode]

but ‘Blend’ is not supported.
it doesn’t work.

anyway, is there a way to do that?

thank you for reading my poor english.

Setting blend modes by scripting has been possible since 4.3.

On shaderlab add Float properties for the modes:

Properties { 
	MySrcMode ("SrcMode", Float) = 0
	MyDstMode ("DstMode", Float) = 0

Pass {
	Blend [MySrcMode] [MyDstMode]

On script side update the values with Material.SetInt() and BlendMode enums:

material.SetInt ("MySrcMode", UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha);
material.SetInt ("MyDstMode", UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);