Is it possible to change the shader the editor uses?

Most of my meshes have no normals or textures which the default shader uses so every time I select most any mesh in my scene I get the following warnings all the time

Shader wants normals, but the mesh meshName doesn’t have them

Shader wants texture coordinates, but the mesh meshName doesn’t have them

It really spams up the Console and I’d like to fix it. Is there any way to change the default shader or, failing that, to disable those warnings?

Hi Kody
I got this problem to in my 2d game that have no need for normals.

I seams to be solved by Always include a shader with no normals calculations in the Project.

In Unity: Edit → Project settings-> Graphics
Size 1 and for example an unlit shader.

The default shader should be a diffuse shader, which requires no normal map. You can either switch the affected materials back to the default diffuse shader, or add a normal map. You can easily add a normal map by duplicating the diffuse and changing the texture type to normal map from grayscale.