Is it possible to combine TMP with another mesh?

Hi there,

I’ve seen this done but can’t figure out how it’s done. I’d like to combine some TMP text that will not change with a plane mesh, so that i can make it look like a piece of paper and deform it and stuff.

How would i accomplish that?

Since the geometry of the text is made up of quad / very few vertices, it doesn’t allow for very nice / smooth deformation unless you Tessellate it. This could certainly be done but perhaps a simpler approach would be to use a render texture and render the text that way and then simply map this texture onto predefined geometry that is suitable for the deformation you want to do.

This question has been asked before, so a search might reveal additional insight / information.

Sorry man, I tried a few different search terms like “Textmesh combine” “textmesh page” etc etc but couldn’'t find anything. Render texture sounds like an interesting compromise, i’ll give it a shot.

Btw the package that actually can do it is megabook. He grabs all your verts and stacks em together somehow.

His Mega-Fiers also support deformation of TMP text objects. This is done by tessellating the geometry of the text so that each character is made up of more than 4 vertices to provide for smoother deformation.