We have a problem. We are working in a group of 5 people and have 2 mac’s with unity3d. In our game we use different rooms and from every room are 3 different layouts. My thought was that you could make the prefab on another computer and just copy it to another computer. We have the same models on both computers with the same names.
What is the problem? Are there any limitations with Prefabs? Or is it just not possible to do it like this?
Another thing you could do is use packages. That’s I think what they have been created for
Export Package / Import Package should do.
If you need to move the whole project, copying all files (while Unity is closed) works fine. That way, you can also create duplicates. But if you want to collaborate with another developer - as Emil pointed out: Use the Asset Server.
Package files are expressly for this purpose so use 'em! The asset server might be a touch of overkill if the only need is to copy a single prefab or item over.
I’m just thinking he might want the exact same objects used in the different scenes rather than a duplicate per scene. Perhaps I misunderstood the question?
we just have different rooms like toilet and office. And of every room there are 3 different layouts. A designer/modeller is putting the room together. And on a different computer I program the game and using the prefabs of the rooms.
The scripting is only .js files so now I copy the .js files to his computer and then I copy his whole project and scene to my mac. And that is working. It is only a lot of work to do it
I just came across this problem. I set up an SVN with our project folder in, hoping that we only had to commit the asset folder changes and the .unity file and other developers would get the same result.
It looks like I might have to commit changes to the whole library folder each time too.
chances that you mess your whole project with 2-3 commits is pretty high.
You can use SVN for the scripts and if oyu don’t care about the size explosion for the media, but not for project related things at least not at the time (svn support is something thats mentioned on the roadmap though)