Is it possible to createa room based on measurements?

Hello, I’m new to Unity. I had a few questions regarding what is possible with Unity, since I’m just getting into it.

I was wondering if it is possible to create a script or similar that generates a room based on measurements. For example: Type in width 300 cm, lengt 400cm and height 240cm, and it would automaticly generale a 3D mesh with these spesifications.

I was also wondering if I then could make realtime adjustmenst and switch out shaders/textures on the fly, while in play mode / VR mode. For example choose tiles on the floor and then place an object into the scene. Like a sandbox mode.

I realize this might be a difficult project to start off with, I was just wondering it is at all possible.

All help is appreciated.

Yes, all that is possible. What you’re describing is fairly elementary procedural mesh generation.