public void StandardTowerUpdate()
if (visibleSphere.activeSelf)
visibleSphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Radius2, Radius2, Radius*2);
Targets = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, Radius, filterLayer);
if (Targets.Length > 0 && Targets.Length < 20)
for (int i = 0; i < Targets.Length; i++)
currentTarget = Targets*.transform;*
targetAI = currentTarget.GetComponentInChildren<AIHitEffects>();*
_ if (!alreadyRunning*)_
_ StartCoroutine(“FireHammer”);_
_ }_
_ }_
_ if (Targets.Length == 0)_
_ ClearInformation();_
_ }*_
* void ClearInformation()*
* {*
* StopCoroutine(“FireHammer”);*
currentTarget = null;
* targetAI = null;*
* alreadyRunning = false;*
* thisAudioSource.Stop();*
* }*
* IEnumerator[] FireHammer()*
* {*
* }*
how would i do the start/stop coroutines with an array ienumerator?
is an array ienumerator even possible?