Is it possible to hide this navigation bar?


I developed a tiny game which just got to the deployment stage on macOs. I am wondering is it possible to hide the navigation bar with the title, close, minimize, fullscreen button on it (highlighted in red in the image). I understand fullscreen mode will automatically hide this bar, but I also want to hide it when it is in window mode.

I don’t think the MacOS Unity Player has any features to go fully frameless while remaining windowed.

That’s correct. A native plugin would be necessary to do this. I would also submit feedback saying that it is a feature you’d like to see.

Thank you sir. I actually solve this problem by creating a .dylib using xcode. Then, I embadded this .dylib into my unity project. Details can be found in this blog (it’s in Chinese tho).

The result is shown as below. Loving it!
