Hi all!
I am struggling to implement the S2S callback for rewarded videos from LevelPlay/IronSource to use a C# module function stored in Unity CloudCode.
While I can call the function by making a POST and setting the bearer authorization token, I would like to know which would be the proper URL format for the S2S reward callback in IronSource, as for now I do have this and I do not exactly know how to send the authorization token to IronSource:
I know this authorization token should be the one Unity Services returns with AuthenticationService.Instance.AccessToken, and I am trying to send it (if this make sense for the S2S callback) like this:
var serverParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
serverParams.Add("access_token", AuthenticationService.Instance.AccessToken);
Am I missing something? For sure I am doing something wrong but it is not clear in the docs how to connect S2S IronSource callbacks with Unity Services and CloudCode.
Anyone has achieved this or knows how to setting it up?