is it possible to link an object color to light intensity?

Imagine your chair slowly turning green as the light bulb above you is dimming…

All I need is the link between the two.

What I have so far…

var target : GameObject;

 function DrainBattery()
    Charge = Mathf.Clamp(Charge - Time.deltaTime, 0, MaxCharge);
} function UpdateLight()

    lightToDim.intensity = Mathf.Lerp(LightOff, LightOn, Charge / MaxCharge);    

So I’m guessing your light is dimming correctly? You just want to change the colour of your target with the same speed as your dim?

To access the colour of a game object, you simply use:


With that in mind:

var target : GameObject;
var newColor : Color;

funciton Start(){
	//Only want the colour to be Green
	newColor.r = 0;
	newColor.b = 0;

function DrainBattery(){
    Charge = Mathf.Clamp(Charge - Time.deltaTime, 0, MaxCharge);

function UpdateLight(){
    lightToDim.intensity = Mathf.Lerp(LightOff, LightOn, Charge / MaxCharge);  

    //Apply the same lerp to the colour
    newColor.g = Mathf.Lerp(LightOff, LightOn, Charge / MaxCharge); 
    target.renderer.material.color = newColor;  