is it possible to make a general overlay to attach to all your scenes ?

Right now on my current project I am just duplicating the original scene i set up that has all the menus and bars etc that i want to be overlaid on each scene, while this is working it is slow going, and seems to be more work then it needs to be. I was wondering if there was a way to create a general overlay of sorts, and then just apply that to each new scene.

is there a way to do this in unity? i am using C# as well. thanks!

You can put what you need in your first screen and mark things as DontDestroyOnLoad. Then when new scenes load, all of that stuff will still be there.

You could also make prefabs for common things and drag those into each scene, but that seems clunky.

Finally, you could write code that instantiates what prefabs you need after a scene loads.


A preloader scene and don’t destroy on load works well for me.

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awesome, thanks those are good ideas. the dontdestroyonload sounds like it would do what i was wondering about.