Is it possible to make an editor extension for Unity that allows painting data into vertices?
Is it possible to make editor tool for painting data into vertices? (like Blender's weight painting)
I think polybrush does this.
No doubt possible, but would also be fairly difficult. You’d definitely need very advanced editor tooling knowledge, alongside the necessary underlying 3d knowledge as well.
That “data” is effectively a texture. It would only need to be a gradient of colors from green to red. Then you are painting UV coordinates in such a way that the desired color appears at the given location.
Yes, that would be possible and I too think you can accomplish this with polybrush, or perhaps if it has an API like ProBuilder does you could leverage that.
PolyBrush looks really good. Exactly like something I wanna build. (to clarify i dont wanna build a sculpting tool, i wanna be able to paint data into vertices of a mesh right in Unity).
Is it possible to make an exact replica of Polybrush using UnityEditor
and UnityEngine
? Or because it’s a Unity official package, does it mean they might use features that normal developers don’t have access to?
I don’t think packages have access to anything extra API wise. You can see in its assembly definitions what dependencies it has. Packages get distributed as source as well, so its easy to poke around and see how they do things.