Is it possible to mix VR with NetCode for Entities?

I’m performing some experiments with VR and NetCode for Entities.
I’m using “Starter Assets” scene from “XR Interation Toolkit/3.0.7”.
I left “XR Origin (XR Rig)” unchanged and added a DOTS SubScene with some environment.
“Push Button” with BoxCollider/XRSimpleInteractable/XRPokeFilter/XRPokeFollowAffordance works fine in any case: when the client connects to the server and in offline mode. Clicking a button on the client creates and moves simple 3D objects. Due to known issue in the Unity I had to create a “fake” ghost object in Physics World 0 so that 3D objects could move in Custom Physics World 1.

When the client is in offline mode then I can grab any interactable objects in the GameObject scene. When I release them they fall down as they should.
BUT when the client is connected to the server then almost nothing works.
There are 6 interactable objects with Rigidbody/XRGrabInteractable. The objects with “Movement Type” Kinematic and Velocity Tracking can’t be grabbed. They are highlighted but don’t move. Other objects with MovementType Instantaneous can be grabbed but they stay in the air after releasing.
Also not_surprise the ghost object with RigidBody/XRGrabInteractable that is spawned on the server and replicated on the client (Entities) is not even detected as interactable. The ray from the hand control ignores such ghost object.

So… 2 questions:
Is there some trick so the XRGrabInteractable works as expected in online mode?
Is it possible to grab network (ghost) object so everyone could see that on their clients?