Is it possible to name a list by a string variable?

So here’s a function that’s supposed to produce a quest ID. Currently I’m just adding a fixed name, indexed. (temporary) The real function is remmed. At the middle, there’s a list declaration, but I’d like to create a new list for each quest based on the incoming ID. Is this possible at all? The other question is: is this a good approach?


	string questID = "QuestID_";
	if (temporary == 1)
	questID = questID+index.ToString();
	//questID = AcquireInfoFromXML();
	// Creating a list for a particular quest
	**List<string> questID_Entries = new List<string>();**

			for(int j = 0; j <= entry_Max; j++)
			string entry = GetQuestEntries(j);
			if (entry!="")

	return questID;

You probably want to look at a Dictionary. You could use the string questID as the key and have a corresponding List for the value.

Here’s how you could actually use Dictionary to do what you want.

Dictionary<string, List<string>> quests = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); 
quests.Add["Quest1"] = new List<string>();
quests["Quest1"].Add("whatever I'm adding to the quest list");