Is it possible to pause the Time.time?

I am using Time.time in my formula to play an image sequence but
after I touch the object to pause the sequence and touch again to play
there seems to be a skip in the frames. Then I found out that Time.time
is the time once you have entered the scene. Are there any solutions to pause
the Time.time? or any other formula to loop in an array of texture2D and play it the
normal speed of an actual movie? Thanks in advance for any help!

var index : int = Time.time * 20; 
index = index % (imageTextureCover.Length / 2);
if(index >= imageTextureCover.length){
index = Time.time;
GameObject.Find("MovieContainer").renderer.material.mainTexture = imageTextureCover[index * 2];

You can stop the time by using

Time.timeScale = 0;

However this will stop all time everywhere. The game will effectively be paused. You better count the time yourself.

var timer : float;
var countTime : boolean;

if (countTime){
 timer += Time.deltaTime;

then use timer where you used Time.time before.