is it possible to read ascii or binary in real time??

I’m using Unity3D for research.
I can get my results as ascii or binary.
The result has motion information(position, velocity, acceleration, etc.)
That files come out at 30 Hz(30 files / second).
I will implement simulation and unity3D.
I’d like to visualize the results in Unity3D.
Is it possible to get motion information in real time?2647397--186514--upload_2016-5-24_21-59-15.png


How are those files coming to you?

They being ascii or binary really doesn’t matter as really they’re both binary… just formatted differently. They can be parsed either way.

But how they’re given to you, so that you can load them into memory, is what ‘real-time’ hinges on. If some program is saving files to disk in a folder that you have to constantly be monitoring… there may be a slight lag (semi-realtime with a delay). Where as if they’re streamed over some socket or something with delimiters between ‘files’, then yeah, you could reduce lag to nanoseconds and be pretty much real-time.

Another option would be to poll the source of the information on your own frequency.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to integrate with though, nor the technologies available.

What is it you’re working with?

Note, this may or may not be trivial, depending on what you’re integrating with.

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I am just curios why you write 30 files in a second and don’t store the data in memory and write it after the simulation is done/stopped to one file …

They might not have control over the simulation, the simulation might not be in unity, this is information we do not have.

Some software out there that one integrates with does weird stuff like this. I currently work a job where our entire framework of software inter communicates in this very method of communication.

It’s mind-boggling that it would, but it’s software that integrates with systems that are as old as 50 years and have no concept of tcp/ip, it’s in the medical industry. The science field can often times be very similar in its antiquated ways.

But until OP tells us exactly what they’re working with… this is all assumption.