Is it possible to rearrange the list of custom aspect ratios / resolutions?

I have a lot of customized aspect ratios and it’s getting confusing, is there a way to arrange them?


I don’t wanna delete them all and re-create them.

The custom resolutions you have created are stored in a file located here (on Windows):


Where %Appdata% is an environment variable known by your computer and refers to: C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming

Source : Where is the file for the Editor game tab resolutions? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

You can open this file using an editor, and add, delete or reorder the various resolutions.

Example of mine:

    - m_BaseText: 
      m_SizeType: 1
      m_Width: 1080
      m_Height: 1920
    - m_BaseText: 
      m_SizeType: 0
      m_Width: 1
      m_Height: 2

m_SizeType tells whether the entry defines an Aspect Ratio (0) or a Fixed Resolution (1)