Is it possible to recreate the shader graph from this video?

Can the Unreal Engine material graph shown in the video be implemented as a shader graph?

I’ve been trying to recreate this game’s shader for a week now, but I’m feeling completely lost.

In particular, creating the interaction between the wave effect and the outline has been really difficult.

I’ve followed several tutorials to check if shaders work differently in Unity 6, but I couldn’t get the desired results in most cases.

Does anyone know how to implement the shader effect from the video?

Hey @kimminsung7208,
you may start with this tutorial for the normal and color based outline.

Here I could recreate something similar, except I didn’t use any keyword nor sample the color.
I simply feed the result into the Alpha and use Alpha Blend Mode (in the Graph Settings).

For the distance based scan effect, you can use the Position Node, set to Absolute World, to measure the distance from a Vector3. I’d recommend making that vector a Global vector you set from C#. Same with the distance value. You could pack them in one Vector4 too.

Hope that helps.

I’ve already tried the video you recommended.

While working on it, I encountered two issues:

  1. When the wave and the outline collided, I wanted to make the outline visible only in those areas and then gradually fade away.

  2. When I tried applying all these materials to the desired objects, the script was attached to each object, so creating a wave resulted in as many waves being generated as there were objects.

I tried to fix this by using object features, but it was too difficult for me to implement.

While you may implement it as a Lit or Unlit Shader and assign it to a set of objects, or use a RenderObject renderer feature (pass) to override materials on objects set on a specific layer mask, I would recommend to implement it as a Fullscreen Post-Processing, like in the video.
It will simply process the framebuffer (Blit source, Normal and Depth).
Measuring the distance between the Abs. World Position and a World Vector does the trick, even in a Fullscreen Post-Processing shader.
You can then do all the math you want with those values to show the outline where you want.