Is it possible to reset the position values of an object, ( to 0,0,0 ) without actually moving it?

I have alot of cubes in a symmetric pattern, and i have doublechecked: they are all in the same height, with the same height scales. However, some of them have the Y value 0, while others have the Y value of -3.110817.

I find this very annoying, and it will bring me problems in the future. is it possible to set a new “Default” position, so turn the -3.110817 into a new 0?

What you need is (0,0,0)? One thing you can do is make your Object child of new GameObject. Through which your child’s Objects position would become 0,0,0. Parent object’s position would be something else. This is the one solution to keep position 0,0,0 of object. Don’t know this would work for you or not.

No because that’s it’s position in World Space.

If you want a reset position, create a new transform at the position you want to be 0,0,0 and read your objects co-ordinates relative to that, ie using localPosition.