It would be really beneficial to be able to run multiple Unity instances in order to be able to compare projects and copy/move assets between them. Is this possible? Unity seems to block it when I’ve tried various approaches.
Yep. Just go to Edit>Preferences> General and check “Always Show Project Wizard”, then you can launch another instance…
An ‘oddity’ that no one mentions is that if you happen to use MonoDeveloper you may find scripts being opened from the wrong project. I had the same named scripts in both a server and client project and the wrong files got loaded.
When doing a ‘search in files’ in my client MonoDeveloper it was opening files in my Server project.
I am running unity 5, and the wizard thing is no longer avaliable?
Anyone knows what to do then?
@WhiteRabbit on which OS you want to do it on MAC or on Windows?
if MAC then on terminal Type: open -na Unity
if Windows just do as above person mention in picture but can’t drag and drop things between them you have to export and import asset bundles between them