Is it possible to set the Gbuffer as a Render Target in URP?

I’m trying to set GBuffer0 as a render target in a ScriptableRenderPass. I’m using URP 12.1.11 for Unity 2021.3.25f1 with deferred rendering. I was looking at this thread (Extracting G-buffers for URP deferred shader), and it looks like there’s basically no way to do this. Does anyone know if this is this correct or if there is anything I’m missing?

To break down what I’ve seen and tried from this thread:
My understanding is that while some BuiltInRenderTextureType objects work with URP, BuiltInRenderTextureType.GBufferX does not. Under URP’s DeferredLights.cs, there is a global texture property that has been declared called “_GBuffer0”, but while this works fine for shaders, I believe it gets wiped at some point, making it more or less inaccessible for use as a RenderTarget. Whatever the case, I have not had any success with using Shader.GetGlobalTexture(“_GBuffer0”), as it always returns null. And I can’t use UniversalResourceData to access the GBuffer because that’s a part of RenderGraph which was only added to 2023+ Unity versions.