posted this a few hours ago to World Building but didn’t get any nibbles. thought i might try here. i didn’t see any rules against cross-posting, but if i’m breaking such a rule, i’ll fix it, just let me know. – thx
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although this isn’t my first post in the forums, i’m mostly a lurker, who enjoys everyone’s helpful info. i’m stumped by this question, and thanks to everyone in advance to taking a look at my query.
for context, i’m a coder and writer working on an ambitious mobile game and i’d like some advice on using the prefab models from https://kitbash3d.com/. their stuff is on sale in the asset store and i was blown away by the level of craftsmanship they have put into their models. it’s clear these folks know how to make beautiful stuff, and i’d like to find a way to put their work into my game. if you haven’t seen it, you should have a gander here: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
before you say it, i know this is a ridiculous request, but i’d like to explore it anyway.
i’ve done the work to convert their free sample from the built-in render pipeline to URP, and taken the step to test a scene with our mobile controller and runtime asset management code. it was clear from the tests that without a lot of simplification of the models and reduction of the size of the textures, this was a no-go. so i’d like to get a few opinions about how best to proceed. i figure i have the following options:
- forget about it and find some mobile-ready assets that could look just as good;
- hire someone to simplify the models and reduce the size of the textures and hope for an outcome that comes close to the originals; or
- learn to do the model reductions myself, and put in the time to get what it is i want.
maybe there’s another option, but i’m not seeing it.
in my heart, i think i’ve eliminated #1, 'cause i’ve been looking for the last 18 months, and only now have i found something i felt i could really get excited about (kitbash). if #2 makes sense (can you even hire people to do this?), how do i go about finding someone with the right skills who can do the work reasonably quickly for a reasonable rate? if #3 makes more sense, should i attempt to do this kind of work in Blender or some other tool, and where can i find training for this kind of task?
any input would be appreciated.