Not sure where to ask this, but how does the vertex painting work with LODs, and what is the proper workflow?
I am using polybrush to paint a model, but of course, when i am using LODs, the model changes with distance. So is it possible to match the vertex painting between the LOD instances or i have to paint every instance manually and try to match the result? Because that would suck.
Obviously you could but it’d look awful. Typically far away LODs have all the materials including vert colours baked down to small textures so the accuracy is there and so is the performance. The nature of vertex colour is that it contains non trivial detail so it will probably look quite a bit different per LOD, where usually textures can handle that change of detail.
Simplygon has options to preserve this detail best it can, at cost of not going too low poly, so you could try that, but I recommend you just bake shader + vertcol down to simpler shader + 1 texture (again, something simplygon does well, which is a theme really).
Simplygon’s free with Unity integration for lower budget / individuals. I don’t know other workflows by hand, I imagine it would involve baking out how the texture would look combined for the LODs.
Thanks. I will check out simplygon.
I am still a newbie with unity, so am not very familiar with the typical workflows. Is there an online recourse i can look for information on the processes you’ve described, and generally on optimization techniques, and workflows for large sized exterior scenes ? Because i can’t seem to find much on it.
This is all premature optimisation, your first port of call is getting things to do what you want them to. This stuff may never become slow to begin with.