Is it possible we could use Unity Personal to sell games?

We are a team with only 5 people, we’re currently making a game and we’re all using Personal version.
So I was wondering if we can use this version to sell our game on Steam or any other platform?

Yes, if you earn over 100K you have to upgrade and pay Unity… It’s all on Unity’s website, about 3/4 of the way down the page:

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Thank you very much!

There are some advance features of unity3d that can only be used with pro version.
Even with that limitation, unity3d personal is a complete game engine, and a powerful and good looking one, depending on the artist.

No, there are no advanced features that can only be used with pro version.


The different engine versions are all exactly the same nowadays. The free version does force a splash screen when your game starts. This can be turned off in the paid versions.

Yep, I earn a living from my Unity games. And cos I earn less than $100k I don’t have to even pay Unity one single dime! (Although I will probably get Unity plus anyway! And I also make them some money from my asset store sales.)

As far as the engine goes the only difference aside from the license is Splash Screens.

Pro and Plus come down to be a requirement if your are over the 100k or 200k revenue caps, or if you want to use Unity services such as Cloud Build and Analytics.

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Wrong, you do not need pro for additional services, you can merely pay for additional services.

As times change, people should probably just start saying “check the site” because really, forum information is going to be constantly in flux, forever.

And if Unity isn’t communicating that info on its main page clear as day, well it isn’t improving Unity if we keep filling in that gap. They should go fix that, and pronto. This topic shouldn’t even exist if Unity is doing a good job of clearly spelling out it’s own products.

And I’m not really sure why we all leap and try to answer bone-idle laziness. OP should look at the site. Done.
