I am looking at making a game that use simple economics like lemonade tycoon used. Were you buy your supplies have recipes and the weather effect buying patterns ect…
Would there a turorial on this or a guide maybe?
I am looking at making a game that use simple economics like lemonade tycoon used. Were you buy your supplies have recipes and the weather effect buying patterns ect…
Would there a turorial on this or a guide maybe?
While I don’t think that there are any tutorials specifically focused on this type of gameplay, I believe the mechanics wouldn’t be too hard to flesh out. I have only played Lemonade Tycoon once or twice, and I am still pretty new to Unity and Game Programming altogether, I will show you a simple example of a “stripped down” system. Remember, this is probably not the most efficient or effective way to accomplish this, but I wrote this code to give you a bit of an idea.
// Variables for total recipe items in inventory
var totalLemons = 100;
var totalSugar = 100;
var totalIce = 100;
//Variables for recipe items used to make a cup.
var requiredLemons = 5;
var requiredSugar = 8;
var requiredIce = 3;
//Variables to hold total cash and cash per cup.
var totalCash;
var cashPerCup = 1; //One cup costs a dollar
//Array to hold weather information.
var weather = new Array ();
weather[0] = "Sunny";
weather[1] = "Rainy";
weather[2] = "Snowy";
weather[3] = "Mild";
var publicity = 10; // How well known the player is in the current area.
var totalHours = 24; //Every update will cause an hour to pass.
var currentHour = 1; //The hour we are currently on for this day.
function Start () {
var currentWeather = weather[Random.Range(0,3)]; // The current weather for the day;
function Update () {
if (currentHour <= totalHours) { //If the day is not over...
//Generates the total number of customers for the hour, between 0 and publicity.
var totalCustomers = Random.Range(0, publicity);
//Loops through and Generates every Customer.
for (var i=0; i < totalCustomers; i++) {
function BuyCup () {
if (totalLemons > required Lemons totalSugar > requiredSugar totalIce > requiredIce) {
totalLemons -= requiredLemons;
totalSugar -= requiredSugar;
totalIce -= requiredIce;
totalCash += cashPerCup;
// This function to be used to randomly generate stats for the current customer.
// As written, it only checks the customers chance to buy based on weather and a bit of randomness.
function GenerateCustomer () {
var preferedWeather = weather[Random.Range(0,3)];
var chanceToWalk = Random.Range(1,10); //The customers chance to walk away.
var chanceToBuy = Random.Range(1,10); //The customers chance to actually buy a cup.
if (preferedWeather == currentWeather) {
chanceToBuy += 2; //If the customer prefers this weather, increase his chance to buy.
if (chanceToBuy > chanceToWalk) {
Unity experts feel free to chime in with better suggestions