I have a problem which I asked about here and still didn’t get a solution.
The summary of the problem is this:
When the player with a character controller, and an enemy with kinematic rigidbody and a capsule collider on it crash into each other, the player just hops over the enemy. It’s the problem of colliding the character controller and a kinematic rigidbody which seems to have been around quite a while and it baffles me that there’s still no solution for this, as it seems to be pretty central to character controller interaction.
My question here however is whether moving a static collider (without rigidbody) still causes the whole level geometry to redraw its colliders?
Because I’ve removed the kinematic rigidbody from my enemies, and they work well with only colliders on them (no hopping). I tried profiling the game with 20+ enemies and couldn’t see any performance drop in the profiler.
So now i’m not sure if I even need to find a solution for the original problem that I had.
Is it still bad to move a collider without a rigidbody on or did Unity do something about it that I don’t know?