Is multi-scene loading worthy for this structure? Or should I keep it for later?

Hi, I found “multi scene loading” in coincidence while searching scene loading structure and I have some curiosities of it. I’d be so grateful if you could share your intelligence on it.

Now I just finished making gameplay scene with player, and trying to make lobby scene with scene loading function.
And lots of people say that there are lot of advantages for loading multiple scene at once: memory saving, easy to control, encapsuling game structure… etc.
Therefore, I’m considering of revising overall scene structure if it is still valid. (cuz topics I saw about multi scene loading were generated about 3 years ago)

[Original Structure]

  • Lobby Scene => 1 Scene
  • Stage Select Scenes (A / B / C) => 3 Scenes
  • Level Select Scenes(A-1, A-2, … / B-1, B-2, … / C-1, C-2…) => 3 Scenes
  • Play Scene => 1 Scene
    ※Play Scene will contains everything like background, player, audiolistener, volume, …, setting panel prefab, few simple buttons(go back, setting…)

[New Structure]

  • Lobby Scene (same)
  • Stage Select Scenes (same)
  • Level Select Scenes (same)
  • Game enviroment scene: which contains only 3D background, volume, few simple buttons(go back, setting…) (new!)
  • Main Game Scene: which contains player and main puzzle object (new!)
  • UI Scene appears when game paused (new!)
    ※ Game enviroment scene/Main Game Scene count will be as many as game stage (props and background should be changed for it)

What do you think? Do you think it gonna work?
Or… if there is no advantage for new structure, should I use original structure?

Thank you in advance.