Good evening everyone!
I’ve heard many times that the first game should be very simple to make, its scope should be very limited etc.
So, I’ve been thinking about making a game about Gandhi, as I’ve already mentioned in some other threads.
Trying to create a balanced game concept. Though other people can judge it better then I can, so…
The basic idea: the player controls the Indian independence movement
Game goal: make India free in 50 turns using non-violence
Game genre: resource management, 2D, turn-based
Key game mechanic: “buying” provinces on the map (gaining their support for resources) [basically like in Civ5]
The game has several variables: influence (used to “buy” tiles on the map), movement power (used to start protest campaigns), tensions (this controls the chance of negative events + if it reaches 100 - a war starts and the player loses), satyagraha readiness (controls the chance of protests’ success)
The player chooses his protest campaign theme. This sets provinces’ cost. Then one can “buy” then by spending influence. This will increase “movement power” and “tensions”. When the movement power is enough, one can start protests, the success chance depends on the “satyagraha readiness”. Success gives influence.
All the possible campaign themes make a list. Once the player launches the last campaign of the list ("Indian independence) and finishes it - he/she wins.
Variables also change automatically in this way:
- Movement power: -5 each turn (if more then 0)
- Tensions: +1 each turn
- Satyagraha readiness: + 5% of movement power each turn
So, in short - like this.
Is this idea simple enough to try to make such a game? And, more importantly, does this sound interesting enough?
Thanks in advance!