I know the title must explain the situation…
First I could do a loop in the start
Yesterday i was coding and i see this error saying that Object reference not set to an instance of an Object then i checked what it means(Im not english so…) Readed again and i thaught that was C# that didnt recognized my object so i did in the start method
> void Start () { Instantiate(edificio)
> //ignore here transform.position = new
> Vector3 (500,100,500);
} Pressed play and my pc lags so MUCH when i looked in the hierarchy more than 200 objects were cloned…
Sharing Integers and bools and Other stuff
So i wanted to make a camera like MOBA Stile But I also wanted that if a bool was true the camera (teleportates) to the object that is being atacked(once again bool checks that) But then One thing happened: The camera only goes 1000 x 500 of the terrain (Looks it is because of the screen) And then i tryed this code to see if this works:
public float goX ; public float goY ; public float goZ ; private float X; private float Y; private float Z;
public int getVida; private int setVida; public bool atacado;//atacado means atacked
void Start () {
getVida = setVida; setVida = 100; goX = X; goY = Y; goX = Z; X = transform.position.x; Y = transform.position.y; Z = transform.position.z; } void Alerta1(){ if (atacado == true) { if (getVida != 0) { atacado = true; }else{ if (getVida == 0) { atacado = false;
} } } }
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKey (“a”)) { setVida = setVida - 20; atacado = true; Alerta1 (); } else { if (getVida == 0) {//vida means life in portuguese Debug.Log (“MORRI”);//dead … DestroyObject (this);
} } }
}// i did put all the code to see were i was going tried to do it but this two problem appeared
Couldnt share Int or Bools or other ints
if(GameObject.Find("edificio").GetComponent<vidaEdificioScratch>().atacado == true){
setX = GameObject.Find ("edificio").GetComponent<vidaEdificioScratch> ().goX;
setY = GameObject.Find ("edificio").GetComponent<vidaEdificioScratch> ().goZ;
setZ = GameObject.Find ("edificio").GetComponent<vidaEdificioScratch> ().goY;
and then this problem happens if (Input.GetKey ("a")) { setVida = setVida - 20; atacado = true; Alerta1 ();
it keeps doing the code without pressing the letter