Is NavMesh now available on Unity Free?
I downloaded the Stealth tutorial project. It uses the NavMesh Agent. I run it correctly in Unity Free.
I created a new prject and found I could add the NavMesh Agent component. Not yet used, just successfully added it.
In 1 and 2, I cannot see any hint about XXX is only supported in Unity Pro.
Does that mean it’s now for free?
Yes, NavMesh and pathfinding are no longer a pro feature, although this does not appear to have been properly updated in the reference manual yet. Off Mesh Links by the way are still a pro feature.
Yes. NavMesh was one of several features that became available to free licence users in the Unity 4.2 update released in July 2013 (alongside publishing to Android/iOS, and hard shadows for directional lights). It was announced on the Unity blog and in the release notes for version 4.2.
I just found that the NavMesh is NOT FOR FREE. When open a Navmeshed project, yes, everything acts normally. But when I try to use feature, oops, I cannot find the Bake button in the Navigation window.
So, what’s you guys’ point? You found where the bake button hides?