Is Net Core SDK Necessary to use Intellisense in Visual Studio Code?

Help!!! I’m completely new to unity and this problem has been really annoying. I’ve read through some forum posts but i still couldn’t find a fix.

I’m following a tutorial on “How to make a video game”
On the video, he writes code and it looks like this:

But, when i do the same thing, it looks like this:

I am on MacOS and I didn’t download the .NET Core SDK. I already downloaded the C# Extension

I have tried these solutions:

  1. Go into Unity, Preferences, External Tools, Set External Script Editor to Visual Studio Code, enable all Generate .csproj, restart unity and Visual Studio Code.
  2. Download the “Debugger For Unity” Extension. (Note: I downloaded the one from the
    publisher “deitry” because the original one that was published by Unity was already deprecated because “It was no longer being maintained”

None of these methods worked for me.

Though the lines of code i wrote worked as normal, it just is a little annoying that Intellisense does not work.

I’m using Visual Studio Code Version 1.71.0 (Universal) and Unity Version 2021.3.9f1 Personal.

Is this all just because i didn’t download the .NET Core SDK?

If i do need to download the .NET Core SDK, does it mess around with $PATH stuff in MacOS? I had a really horrible experience a few months ago trying to learn Python, and my laptop’s $PATH settings somehow got messed up and it was just horrible.

So, do i need to download .NET Core SDK?

Please Help!!!

You probably want Visual Studio (w/o “Code”): Visual Studio 2022 for Mac - IDE for macOS

While you can use Visual Studio Code it requires installing additional Unity plugins for it to work better with Unity. But it’s still a far cry from using the actual Visual Studio, which is also free for non-commercial use (Community edition).

I’ve read about the second link, my only question now is that will .Net Core SDK have any relation with PATH stuff in MacOs? It Had something to do with %PATH% in Windows. But I’m on MacOS. So, will NET Core SDK have any relation with PATH stuff?

Thanks! I might just uninstall Visual Studio Code and download Visual Studio.
Just making sure, is this the correct download link? I don’t want to just be re-downloading Visual Studio Code.

Download Link I found:

Thanks for the support!

It’s the correct link.

VS Code would be this link: Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows

Well, I mean Visual Studio For Mac is a completely different product than Visual Studio.

The naming scheme Microsoft chose for their three IDE products is:
Visual Studio (old, bloated workhorse)
Visual Studio Code (new fresh thing that doesn’t do anything)
Visual Studio For Mac (rebranded Xamarin Studio aka. MonoDevelop)

They don’t share any code, functionality, or plugins. They happen to do similar things.

If you think that naming scheme is bad, wait until I tell you about Microsoft’s consoles!

The best choice is, as always, to get Rider.

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Why? There’s a clear progression between Xbox (1) and Xbox One - “One” has three letters, so it clearly denotes “3rd generation”. :smile: