Is progrids still in development?

Using the latest preview, I’m having many issues, The GUI is totally broken with UI scaling, two ‘grids’ buttons appear, show/hide grid doesn’t actually work and more often than not, pressing a button doesn’t work. I had to remove and reimport Progrids because it decided to stop showing entirely. Is it actually being worked on still and might stand a chance at leaving beta? Or is there some alternative to progrids that actually works that I’ve missed?

ProGrids is being moved into the Unity editor itself. See Unity - Manual: Grid snapping


I’m using 2019.3, is it available in this version, and should I remove ProGrids and use this instead?

Yes, it is available in 2019.3. Yes, I’d recommend using the native grid snapping over ProGrids.

Is there a ‘getting started’ for native snapping? Should I remove ProGrids and then start using native snapping, I’m not sure how to ‘migrate over’?

The manual page I linked is a good starting point. You can remove ProGrids or not, they should not interfere with one another. I’d recommend sticking with the native grids and removing ProGrids personally.

Wow, and I just discovered ProGrids too. (Brackeys) lol.
Thank you because it didn’t work as I watched it on the tutorials. I’m using Unity 2020.1.0b3.3385.
I’ll remove it.
Thanks again.

Well, I have tried It and Progrids has significantly better workflow than a new solution to the point in which I have found using new tool annoying.
That is mainly because of these regressions:

  • You can toggle on/of grid snapping while holding with Progrids. Meaning that you can have snapping turned on, and then hold “d” to temporary turn It off. This is really important when adding small details to your scene. This also works in the opposite way, snapping can be disabled by default and then you can temporarily turn It on by holding “d” button.
  • Progrids works no matter If you use local or global pivot position. This particular limitations make new solution unusable in certain situations and If It’s not going to be fixed then we are regressing to pre-2018 version of unity in terms of level creation.
  • In progrids, grid follows pivot position of selected object rather than stay in the same place. This is another super basic and important feature while using probuilder.
  • In progrids you can turn on visibility of all axes at the same time. What’s more, you can add different grid colour for each axis. Since you already forcing users to manage another custom inspector, then actually why colour changes are still in options?

Honestly, I really don’t see what’s this tool brings over the Progrids and why is It called better in any way. Progrids has been one of the most stable packages in years, and for as long as you would combine It with the right packages, there would be literally 0 problems through the whole development process.


After going back to the basic grid system, I agree with banan1234. I miss the ability to change my snapping with the plus and minus keys. I looked into a custom solution but the ability to toggle the grid on and off, combined with the other workflow makes ProGrids superior to the “new way”. If Unity wants to adopt this tool then they should take some lessons on UI experience from the creator.
I’m reloading ProGrids.

So, there’s still no good grid method for Unity?

There is progrids, currently It’s the best solution and much better than the other engines do have. But It does have very limited usage because of the preview thingy. You can’t use It with different level design tools besides probuilder and you can’t really use It in 2D (and I don’t think you should).

Usually, when I’m dealing with a bunch of preview packages for level creation, I’m creating several new repos/branches and then step by step developing new levels with only selected necessary packages installed. For example - at first I’m downloading terrain tools, then after whole world is done, I’m moving everything to another branch in which I will use progrids + probuilder combination, and when it’s time to start lightning, I’m switching to HDRP. Then you convert your scene to entities so that you can have some functional level streaming. Finally you can start scripting your world.

It is rather stupid workflow and will work in very limited amount of cases, but thats the only possible way of creating anything in unity since everyone in the corporation is just pushing for new features without thinking about their clients for a moment.

So it’s feasible that ProGrids will be removed and we won’t have a decent grid method for Unity.

The native grid doesn’t have the same clutch shortcut as ProGrids, but it does have a shortcut to toggle snapping on and off. By default it’s "", but it can be changed in the Shortcut Manager.


Yes, there was a lot of discussion over how best to handle snapping when using pivot space. We still have work planned on improving the native snapping implementation.

We added this in 2020.1, albeit not exactly like ProGrids. It’s in the Grid and Snap Settings window under “Set Position: Handle.”

Yes, we are missing the option to have different colors per-axis. I opened a task to implement that functionality.

It’s not written in documentation, at least not in the place you posted here earlier so please make sure that It will be. Also, I really don’t like the way this button is assigned. Moving this shortcut so far away by default from the rest is really bad idea and doesn’t benefit anyone in any way. In my opinion It could be replaced with ctrl button (windows), especially since It does almost the same thing. Currently, when you hold ctrl button and move the object, some script will add/subtract 1 to the position.
Another huge problem with a new solution, in progrids you hold button (d on default) to switch, once you stop holding the button. It moves back to the previous value. In a new solution It simply changes. This is worse solution for two reasons. First one is a workflow, you can change grid slightly faster with progrids, even noticeably when button is so far away from every other shortcut. Second reason is a more serious one. Every single other program I have ever used does It the way progrids does (because It’s a better way), switching between them will be a bit confusing for a few seconds until you will relearn new solution.

I have downloaded 2020.1 beta only to check that and try to add (not replace the current button) possibility so grid position will be changing in runtime.

and what about having multiple axes visible at the same time? No chances?

Its still in 2020.1 beta, fully working so I guess not anytime soon.

Is ProGrids still around? I’m still on 2019.4 so I’m not sure if native snapping is as good as progrids or not.

I’m on 2020.2 and still using Pro Grids. Native snapping hasn’t changed in any significant way since 2019 LTS. It seems like the team behind snapping is focused on the development of scene tooling.

Which version do you use? The package manager has two depreciated packages :roll_eyes:

In 2020.1 they changed default settings in the package manager and preview packages aren’t visible by default, Progrids is still in preview. I have installed Version 3.0.3-preview.6 - March 27, 2020.

Cool. Now, can you tell me why it puts all the Grid shortcuts into the Grid category except one? Why is Snap even a separate category? It literally has one keybind assigned to it and it’s directly tied to the grid functionality.

Maybe I need to be a Unity engineer for this to make sense to me.

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I think the latest blog post has made a big error here.
Pro Grids was always buggy so I stopped using many months ago (might have changed) and when I questioned this, it was suggested to use in-editor snapping which does more than it used to.
Yet latest blog post about productivity brings it up again?! confused…