When I change the scale for any of the geometric elements of the prefab, its transformation stops syncing with the rest of the prefab. The video demo is below:
Is this how it should be, or is it a bug?
When I change the scale for any of the geometric elements of the prefab, its transformation stops syncing with the rest of the prefab. The video demo is below:
Is this how it should be, or is it a bug?
Mmm that’s interesting. I tried to repro in this scene EntityComponentSystemSamples/NetcodeSamples/Assets/Samples/HelloNetcode/2_Intermediate/02_PredictedSpawning at master · Unity-Technologies/EntityComponentSystemSamples · GitHub by scaling the barrels’ to 0.1 and 0.5 and it seemed to keep syncing positions/rotations properly.
Can you tell us more about your setup please? Any variants you’re using, any custom serialization? Are they prespawned or dynamically spawned? Do you see this with IPC connections or just with socket ones? Any natural/artificial lag?
Hi, thanks for your reply. I tried to reproduce this problem in another project, everything is working correctly here.
Maybe I should just make a new project and this problem will disappear, I think it will be faster than searching for the original source of this problem.