Is SendMessage slow ?

Does anyone factually know if SendMessage is slow ?

(Pls do not respond that you once heard that you read that it uses a string that your Uncle told you that it seems to you that it probably works like such and it would appear what is the meaning of slow etc)

Does anyone have hard factual information on whether it is slow?

it is an, err, oft-repeated idea that SendMessage is slow. For this reason many people write a few lines of code to perform their own send-message like functions. So it would be good to know precise data. I’m too drunk.


According to my tests - to a single object:

Send Message is 85.5 x slower than using a delegate - irrespective of whether that is an Action or an event.

I should also point out that using either a delegate or an event is 1.2x slower than using GetComponent and calling the method directly. This benefit is reduced in the case of events which have multiple listeners. Presuming the GetComponent is cached. If it isn’t then it is still 3x faster than using Send Message so around 30 x slower than the action/event approach. Though of course getting all of the components on all of the objects that could be included in a Broadcast or a SendMessageUpwards is complicated.