Is terrain grass working on HDRP yet?

How is posible that we have not grass and detail painting in a released HDRP… this is 2020… Unity never showed that level of opacity in comunication with a feature in my 8 year experience.
UNITY Bump Up your Alpha Channel please!! We just want information.


You can create shader for grass and then use

I’m currently working on this solution. I’ll post it when it’s working.


Using 2019.3.7f1. Still no fix on this over a year later, wildly unbelievable. I get unity wants to focus on DOTS and the next releases, but this is such a basic tool of the engine. Hard to believe it’s been this way for so long.
Please keep us posted if you get that fix working Valarus! Hope it works out


This is pretty unacceptable imo, terrain is almost unusable for anything I’ll ever work with, I’ve tried several workarounds and they’re all performance heavy. For the love of god, fix this ASAP.


Coding a solution with DrawMeshInstanced or DrawMeshInstancedIndirect is the correct way to do this. Unfortunately, it is non-trivial because you need to roll your own spacial partitioning and culling system. There are systems in the Asset Store that do this. As you all know, when Unity fails to offer a compelling solution to a common problem, someone will make something on the Asset Store, for it is The Unity Way™


“unfortunately”? the stork won’t bring it? :smile:

Why is this not a priority?
Not to ask why was this not taken into consideration from the very beginning?

Trees (at least sometimes, this too has a bug that comes up every now and then) work fine. Details don’t.


ETA = before you get hired by Epic I hope.

I was pumped about HDRP and then ohh, terrain ain’t working too good.

So uh anyone has an alternative in mind? Each time I spend hours in medium my breath gets shorter.


I’m doing a decently “good looking” videogame in Unity, so far i wasn’t using terrains since the game was only in interiors, till a few days ago we decided to make a level in a forest… WHAT A MISTAKE… so seriously at this point unity still doesn’t has support on those terrain features?? a joke. why a joke? because funny enough they promoted the HDRP system with an outside forest environment… So we should understand that as “look people, we made this cool looking trailer in unity with the new render pipeline, but none of the features showcased in this video are native, all is custom stuff, and btw, all the tools we are giving you are useless to make this exact same scene.” thats the only thing i see watching those fancy trailers. A real shame. This is absolutely “engine-changing” material.


Can I just ask a silly question? How does one go about adding grass to a HDRP scene? Thanks. Or do I have to create my entire project again inside a URP setting, taking me back to square one?

Like, surely this must be possible?

I have seen the SG Hack above, but couldn’t see how it worked with the terrain painter? Nothing happened? Sorry to come across so dumb.


I think your options are manually placing grass meshes, paint them with Polybrush, or use something from the Asset Store.

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Thanks, i have made a small group of prefabs which consist of tiny plants/grass like meshs. Then just dotted them about randomly. It will suffice.

I found that the Particle system is more performant for grass than adding thousands of game objects


That sounds interesting. Got some screens / videos?


Nice ^^^

Is this a private venture? :wink: How did you do this?

This is example from VFX graph samples. You need terrain with point chache data. It’s the only way to draw grass in HDRP. It’s more performant than stacking grass prefabs.


The Only issue with that one is you need another apps to bake the point cache. Hmm. . . is there a way to bake the point cache inside unity from array of gameobject??

How do you define array of gameobjectcs?
I don’t think it can be done.