I know
TrackAsset can locate in TimelineAsset.GetOutputTracks() by track name.
and then
foreach TimelineClip clip in TrackAsset.GetClips()
but I can’t find “Clip Transform Offsets” is that thing can help me to finish these feature ?
If you know where the Apex is supposed to be, and when you’re supposed to hit it, you can use a script to modify the root motion of the Animator to gradually adapt the movement.
Are you trying to read the transform offsets or write them?
thanks, you are right and I’m using your solution right now.
to manually override my CharacterController, instead of mass with timeline.
however I did find the way to access AnimationPlayerableAsset…
it’s hiding in TimelineClip.asset, since it’s type of Object, I need to cast it back to the type I wanted before override it’s value.
here is example.
public IEnumerable<AnimationPlayableAsset> GetAnimationPlayableAssets(TrackAsset track)
foreach (var clip in track.GetClips())
AnimationPlayableAsset ani = (AnimationPlayableAsset)clip.asset;
if (ani != null)
yield return ani;