Is that possible to modify timeline's actor position & rotation ?

Attempt to use timeline to override my character’s animator to platform jump action.

Q: right now I need to know how to modify the position and rotation of timeline.
can anyone point me the way ?

What I’m trying to do here, is allow my script to modify the apex or the landing coordinate during the timeline play.

I find something may useful,
but the problem is I had no idea how can I access there…

I know
TrackAsset can locate in TimelineAsset.GetOutputTracks() by track name.
and then
foreach TimelineClip clip in TrackAsset.GetClips()
but I can’t find “Clip Transform Offsets” is that thing can help me to finish these feature ?

If you know where the Apex is supposed to be, and when you’re supposed to hit it, you can use a script to modify the root motion of the Animator to gradually adapt the movement.

Are you trying to read the transform offsets or write them?

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thanks, you are right and I’m using your solution right now.
to manually override my CharacterController, instead of mass with timeline.

however I did find the way to access AnimationPlayerableAsset…
it’s hiding in TimelineClip.asset, since it’s type of Object, I need to cast it back to the type I wanted before override it’s value.
here is example.

public IEnumerable<AnimationPlayableAsset> GetAnimationPlayableAssets(TrackAsset track)
    foreach (var clip in track.GetClips())
        AnimationPlayableAsset ani = (AnimationPlayableAsset)clip.asset;
        if (ani != null)
            yield return ani;