Is the Director Sequencer still on the way?

Last time I heard about it it was coming in unity 5.4, but I can’t find anything about it now. I’ve been keeping my hands off any in-game cinematics for now, as I don’t want to build my own/purchase a plugin if a build-in method is coming soon.

Anyone has any idea when it’s coming?

It’s listed as “Alpha”, not planned for 5.4.

I could have sworn I did an ctrl+f on that page. Thanks!

I’m not very sure, but I remembered it was listed to be available on Unity5.4 or Unity5.5 some time ago.

someone got new info Nothing in roadmap

hi all, When is the Director Sequencer coming out?? been waiting for this for a while now,unity can you please advice and give a time line? something definitive will do. as in which version we will have it or aim to be included we are in version 5.5.2 now and this was announced ages ago.
please an answer.

Hey all, we’ve renamed this to the Timeline, and you can find the forum for the preview here.