Both myself and many others have been struggling with this for months when using Unity 6, I am on version 6000.0.26 and was wondering if this has since been fixed so I can move on?
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[Screenshot 2024-10-25 134428]
Ever since updating to Unity 6 I’ve been getting this infinite Compiling Shader pass “ShadowCaster”, this happens across different shaders and none of my team members are experiencing this issue.
I am in HDRP 17.0.3
I’ve tried:
Letting it load for 8 hours
Reinstalling the project
Deleting the Library folder
Checking shaders for unsupported / outdated nodes
Deleting the shaders and reimporting
I’d like to highlight my other two team members are not experiencin…
Also happening to multiple other users, this needs to be sorted out.