Is the Pro license enough to remove the splash screen and build the game to iOS and Android?

We are developing a game for Android and iOS and our customer wants us to remove the splash screen.

Is the Pro license enough to remove the splash screen and build the game to iOS and Android?

The app doesn’t use any PRO features and we don’t need pro deployment.

Thanks in advance

Yes, you can remove the splash screen by going on File > Build Settings > Player Settings and go on ‘Splash Image’. (only pro license)

But actually, you can build a game on iOS and android without the license, the splash screen will just be there on phone version too :slight_smile:

@Yuvii I’ve just got the answer from the Unity team:

“You will need the Unity Pro base license along with the iOS pro and Android Pro add-ons in order to remove the splash screen on iOS and Android Builds.”