Starting with the freely available resources on Unity’s website and on YouTube is the smart approach. You don’t need to pay for your learning materials to have good learning materials. Many of the most recommended learning materials out there are free.
Just as an example the C# Yellow Book is a highly recommended college text book for beginners. It’s been a staple book for the University of Hull for first year programmers and they have never charged for it. Just keep in mind it’s C# only and won’t cover Unity at all. It’s still highly recommended for teaching the basics in a complete way.
Here are some examples of complete game project tutorials available on YouTube. Some of these may not have been fully completed at this point in time, but they all have the majority of their content by now and the developer is constantly adding new videos to them. - 2D Platformer - Multiplayer FPS - Quiz Game - An RPG - Survival Game - Tower Defense