Is the Unity Collab "Unpublished changes by:" list bugged?

Unless I am completely misunderstanding the purpose of the Unity Collab “Unpublished changes by:” list, it seems to be very bugged.
Here is a scene asset in a Collab project marked with unpublished changes.
“Robin Gerndt” is my Unity account, and I am currently up to date so I have no unpublished changes, but as you can see, Unity disagrees:.


I found a way to clear this status, posted here:
But I’m wondering if this feature is bugged?
In that case I should probably create an issue tracker for it.

This will happen often if you are in the habit of making copies of project files. The whole point of Collaborate is file versioning and the ability to revert back to older versions of a file. In theory, there is no need to copy projects and work on them in multiple locations (unless those locations are two computers so you can work in different locations, such as at a desktop and out on a laptop).