Is the Unity Forums getting Dark Mode soon?

My eyes are hurting from looking at the Unity Forums for long periods of time.
Is there any plans on a dark mode for the Unity Forums?

There are dark mode extensions available for at least some major browsers.

If your eyes hurt, consider configuring your display. Either brightness/contrast is too high, or you’re lacking backlighting behind the display. Whatever you see behind the display, in general, should be lit.


To add to the above, your eyes strain comes from working in too dark environment. Make sure you got plenty of the light.

Also, the topic has been discussed multiple times.
Please use search.

Also, my advice from the old htreads should be still relevant:

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Try Dark Reader.

Set it to “Inverted listed only” in the Site List, then just click on the url in the top-left and it will add it to the list of sites.


Yep, Dark Reader! It‘s not like Unity forum is the only black on white website out there …