is there a good way to make a transparent video in unity ?

hey guys. im making a 2d plattformer game. the plan was to use sprite manager for most of the animation but now im running into trouble with size issues. I got the idea to just export them as video files and use them as textures on planes. the alpha layer dose not seem to be supported in the format that unity converts the video into, but I got a simular effect with some bending mode but then I also let the background trough all the dark spots in the animation. is there a better way to get the transparency on a video texture?


Alternatively, as recommended in other answers and on the board, you can use 2 movies and encode your alpha data as grayscale movie in the second one. Then you can use both movie in parallel and utilize the second one as alpha channel provider for the first one in a correspondingly created shader

Just as a sidenote (due to the genre): on the iphone, movie textures don't exist at all, there movie is automatically fullscreen.

Try using a shader that cuts out values that are some rediculous color like complete magenta instead of black.

I use a GUI to display the movie.

function OnGUI() {
    if (wasClicked) {  //object was clicked display movie.
    GUI.color.a = 0.75;
    if (GUI.Button (Rect (610,210,640,360), movie)) {

Making the GUI transparent, and also making the movie texture transparent.

Use Particles Additive and texture the video for transparent background, play a bit with the alpha