I’m working on a pretty cool project at the moment for which I’d like to know what types/classes have been added and when.
For example: If I remember correctly it was Unity 2017.2 that gave us Vector2Int, RectInt, …
I’m aware that there is Unity - Scripting API:
but I can’t seem to figure out how to view older versions of only the ScriptReference.
There are sometimes links at the top that let you switch to an older version, but they send you back to /Documentation/ which makes it hard to figure out when a specific type was added.
Also it would be nice to know what types (if any) will be added in 2019.1.
I faced the same problem and couldn’t find a solution yet.
Unfortunately also the change logs don’t list everything.
So, I am watching this and hope somebody has a solution or Unity adds a “first introduced in version” feature to the docs.
PS: it is really a pretty cool project. Looking forward to some comparison charts regarding serialization / deserialization time and file size compared to other libraries.
I’m planning to add those tomorrow or the day after.
With graphs and all that jazz.
If you want to get a quick overview right now:
Speed is around ~1.3x that of msgpack, so a little slower, but still insanely fast (but hey, more features just cost more CPU cycles :P).
Binary size is always equal to or smaller than msgpack.
It’s still a young project so there are still a few things that can be improved a lot.