Is there a more advanced ARCore template / tutorial?

First: ARCore is most awesome :slight_smile: I’ve dug through the hello world tutorial, checked the code and then added my own stuff, but now I’m wondering if I’m re-inventing the wheel and if there is a more advanced tutorial for developers. Surely everyone needs

  • a developer menu
  • developer log
  • a button to reset all
  • several menu buttons to perform actions, change settings and what not
  • a collider on the tracked plane so your objects don’t fall through
  • a button to toggle the tracked plane visibility

Is there a good tutorial from Unity / Google that goes beyond “HelloAR” from the quickstart tutorial? If someone has good tutorials, please do share.


I understand your question but all of that is basic Unity, not arcore specific, so i think an arcore tutorial wouldnt be the place for it.

No, unfortunately it’s not Unity specific, it’s ARCore specific. How do you e. g. change the tracked plane visibility? Or add a collider so that your objects don’t fall through? I only achieved that by modifying the C# and shader code of ARCore.