Is there a problem to build the game in the Hierarchy without loading scenes at all ?

I have one main scene and all the game data objects in that scene.
Is that a problem ? Maybe some system performance or game performance ?

In my case it’s first person adventure style game.

It depends on how complex the game is. As games get larger, they tend to get broken into multiple scenes, so that it’s not necessary to hold all data in memory at once. How big is your game? How much stuff do you have in this scene?

If you keep adding to your game, you’ll almost certain reach a point where you’ll want to break things up.

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What @dgoyette said. With larger games you’ll generally have different locations, which you’ll want to organize into different scenes, and often use additive scene loading so you can have common elements in your game in their own scene so you don’t need to duplicate them across many scenes.

Also there is a hard limit on the size of an individual scene’s serialized file. For larger games again you get around this using multiple scenes or other segregation techniques. See the below thread.

But for a simple game there is nothing wrong with a single scene. For something simple I tend to just have 3 total scenes. A splash screen scene, a main menu scene, and a gameplay scene. But they could easily all be combined into one.

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