Is There A Reason This Code Is Making MY Game Crash

Hey, so i have a toggle button for if you want to set quest goal complete pops to be active and im using the code like this

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ToggleQuestUpdates : MonoBehaviour
   public Toggle toggle;

    void Start()
        toggle.isOn = QuestComeIn.QuestUpdates;

    public void Switch()
        if(toggle.isOn == true)
            toggle.isOn = false;
            QuestComeIn.QuestUpdates = false;

            toggle.isOn = true;
            QuestComeIn.QuestUpdates = true;

i have the bool in another script as thats where all the other things are related to the quest and they all get saved together.

I have the function called on value changed and when i click it in game it crashes

You need to replace line 12, 19 and 25 with:

Otherwise your function gets called infinitely because it sets the toggle on or off which triggers your function which sets it on/off which triggers your function, and so on forever.


Amazing catch Praetor… seems like every non-trivial event-driven system always ends up with this same old rotten fishy “code smell.”

thank you so much i would have never got that :slight_smile:

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