With the new input system, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() always returns false. Is there a replacement for it?
Which input modules are you using for the Event System? Are you using the InputSystemUIInputModule?
Yes, I am using InputSystemUIInputModule.
Are you saying this is a bug, not a missing feature of the new input system?
No, this should work (assuming your point input action is configured correctly) - I just wanted to make sure you were not using the old StandaloneInputModule. Can you submit a bug report with a repro project and post the case number here?
I have also been having this issue. I have tried using the default input actions as well as my own. I have not be able to get this to work at all.
Actually, never mind the bug report - we have the issue reproduced here, and will investigate further.